
16 men gathered on a nice brisk morning at Bushwood.  With no FNG’s and a tough workout ahead of us, we jumped right in.

Side Straddle Hops IC x20
Slow Windmills (Abe Vigodas) IC x10
Moroccan Nightclub IC x30
Downward Dog/Upward Dog
Plankorama IC x10 each
Mountain Climbers/Plank Dips/Plank Jacks/Alternating Shoulder Taps/Groiners
Short mosey underneath Clubhouse


The NCAA determined that UNC’s fake classes contained regular students as well as athletes.  Discussions are now taking place concerning removal of UNC’s ABET accreditation and a possible revocation of any degrees bestowed during the last 15 years.  As part of UNC’s get well plan, remedial classes are being setup around the country.  This morning we learned about angles.

Wheel of Merkins on the curb x10 each
Irkins/Left hand high Merkin/Derkins/Right hand high Merkins
Mike Tysons x5 (Not fun)
Ascending Testicles 15, 45, 90 (ish) degrees
Modified Blue Hawaiian lap with Lunges and Duck Walk

Instead of a repeato, the next round was modified so that Q didn’t fall on his face…

Wheel of Merkins on the curb x10 each
Balls to the Wall
Modified Blue Hawaiian lap with lunges and duck walk – mosey to the hill

PAX circled up for what Q referred to as a Side Hill Bear Crawl Ring of Fire.  PAX bear crawled in a circle on the hill so that the angle was changing constantly.  Every so often Q would call halt and a series of Merkins were done before resuming the bear crawl.  Merkins were:
Merkin x10/Werkin x10/Stagger Right Hand x10/Stagger Left Hand x10/Diamond x10

Short mosey to flower bed by #18 green for Wave of Irkins x3, Dips x25 and Wave of Derkins x3
Mosey to parking lot

WWII’s IC x20
American Hammers IC x15

Cornfed on Point and Acolyte on Bear
Closed in prayer

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