F3 New Bern has reached a significant milestone. On Sept 17, 2016 F3 New Bern was launched under the direction of Carterico and ENC. Since then over this last year, we’ve had 176 collective workouts at our 4 sites including the Bear, Fartlek, Bushwood, and the Point. The membership has grown to 60+ men!
On this somewhat humid and foggy morning 14 dudes posted at the Bear ready to roll. Perhaps the future prospective of beer and cake later today added to the enthusiasm to sweat.
- SSH x 31 IC
- Sungods x 24 IC
- Spider Merkins x 5 IC
- T Merkins (Merkin into Travolta) x 5 OYO each arm
- Burpee with clap (clap over head once chest on ground) x 5 IC (7 count) – Q screwed up cadence on this one (counting to 7 is hard)
- Indian run around school to courtyard in 2 lines
- Around the box
- Incline merkins x 10 and dips x 10 on each side of box (total 40 each)
- Derkins x 10 and LBCs x 15 on each side of box
- Split box jumps x 20 and calf raises x 20 on each side of box
- Mosey to practice field
- Teamwork (Partner up)
- Partner A – High knee skips up and back, Run backwards up and back, Hard run up and back
- Partner B – While Partner A is running, B performing exercises
- Team aggregate 176 American Hammers, 176 Dying cockroaches, 176 Imperial walkers, 62 Burpies
- Indian Bear crawl in 2 lines across field
- Mosey back to Flag
MARY (selected individual PAX favorites)
- Flanksteak (site Q!) – Boxcutters IC
- Winthorpe – James Bond
- Ingrown – Starman
- 420 – Monkey Humpers
Q can’t remember rep count for Mary but these guys certainly did not short-change us.
-Meet at NBGCC for 1 yr anniversary celebration – why not football, beer, cake?
-YHC sent us out in prayer
-Here’s to a awesome year. It has been an honor to be a part of this group. Year 2 will bring even more growth, burpies and mumble chatter!