The Bear Backblast

YHC had the honor to lead 14 strong men at this weekend’s Bear.  Weather, as forecasted, was indeed Dead Balls perfect. And Morning showed up predictably, just on time. YHC gave the mission of F3 and proceeded to tell about his son’s extra pair of shorts before jumping into the morning’s activities. Here’s how YHC remembers it.


  • SSH x15 IC
  • High Knees  x10 IC
  • Butt Kickers x10 IC
  • Tuck Jumps x10 IC
  • Sun Gods x10 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x10 IC
  • Oz Pigeon Stretches
  • Winthorpe Downward Dog Calf Stretches
  • and some good ole classic tricep stretches

From there we moseyed off to the covered breezeway for part 1 of the the Thang.

YHC was providing instructions for what was to come when a newcomer was announced. Sure enough, FNG Cookout had decided to join us. So YHC welcomed and quickly disclaimered and got back to it.

On the blocks we performed the following, OYO

  • Box Jump Squats (sit on box into jump squat) x10
  • Step Up Jumps x10 (each leg)
  • Face Melters (mountain climbers – alternating two steps on top of the box and two steps on the ground = 1) x10
  • Derkins x10
  • Irkins x10
  • Rinse and Repeat

Next we moved to the stadium parking lot where the group split into 3 sets of approximately 5 men. Each group had their own parking row lined with concrete parking blocks.

Each man was to perform the following for the length of the lot.

  • Ski Jumps (over first 3 blocks)
  • Shuffle Steps (over next 3 blocks)
  • Cariocas to 2nd light post (switch sides half way)
  • Side Shuffles to 3rd light post (switch sides half way)
  • Backwards Run to the curb
  • Sprint half way back towards start
  • Mosey rest of way
  • Plank for Six.

The above preceeded each of the following sets of exercises.

  • WMDs (Werkins, regular Merkins, Diamond Merkins) x10 each
  • WMDs + Staggered Merkins x5 each
  • Mountain Climber Shuffle (a Men’s Health special)
    • Regular Mountain Climbers x10
    • Semi Circle Mountain Climbers (to one side, then to the other side, and return to center)
    • Spiderman Mountain Climbers x10
  • Alternating Plank Taps (another Men’s Health special)
    • Shoulder Taps x10 IC
    • Hip Taps x10 IC
    • Knee Taps x10 IC
    • Ankle Taps x10 IC

To break it up a bit, YHC asked for some volunteers. Unicorn led us in Imperial Walkers x10 IC. Winthorpe led us in 007s. You’ll do what he says.
Cuddy had a false start.

One more pass down the parking rows and returning for a little La La Leggy. The following exercises were done with no break between.

  • Squats x20 IC
  • Lunges x20 IC
  • Drop Lunges x20 IC
  • Squat Jumps x20 IC
  • Calf Raises x20 IC

Ok, Cuddy your turn. Cuddy broke us up into two groups for a snake run in opposite directions around the lot. Good hustle.

Back at our collecting point we moseyed over to the Wasp Wall for the following.

  • BTTW 10 count down the line.
  • Ascending Jack Webb (Merkins x1 to Air Presses x2) from x1 to x5 SC (15 Merkins and 30 Air Presses total – sneaky hard)
  • BTTW 5 count down the line.

Time was nearing 0800 so we headed back to the Shovel Flag for Mary.

  • Low Slow Flutter x15 IC
  • Freddie Mercurys x15 IC
  • LBCs x20 IC
  • Hollow Hold 10 count

SPENT. Good times.

YHC closed us out in prayer and the most delicious Carolina Scramble ever was consumed. Amen.

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