Brothers in Arms

16 men gathered in the early morning gloom at Bushwood.  Since the Q couldn’t feel his legs due to Oz’s Fartlek Beatdown, he focused exclusively on upper body and core exercises.  With no FNG’s we jumped right in.



Side Straddle Hops IC x20

Windmills IC x20

Moroccan Nightclub IC x25

Michael Phelps OYO x10

Downward Dog/Upward Dog

Merkin Cycle – affectionately named a Merkle (no affiliation with the German Prime Minister)

Ranger Merkins x5, Merkins x5, Werkins x5, Carolina Dry Docks x5

Short mosey to #1 fairway



Gauntlet style exercises OYO across the fairway and back with a break between each circuit.  Every exercise was based out of a plank position to keep the arms burning.  Modification for crawls was lunges w/air pushes.

1st circuit

Merkle, Bear Crawl across fairway, Moon Gods x10 a side, Bear Crawl back, Merkle

2nd circuit

Merkle, Crab Walk across fairway, Groiners x20, Crab Walk back, Merkle

3rd circuit

Merkle, Crawl Bear across fairway, Mountain Climbers x30, Crawl Bear back, Merkle

4th circuit

Merkle, Walk Crab across fairway, Plankjacks x40, Walk Crab back, skipped Merkle

5th circuit

Merkle IC, Partner Wheelbarrow across fairway, Alternating Shoulder Taps x50 IC, Partner Wheelbarrow back, Merkle IC

Bonus circuit – Partner Copperhead Merkle Sprints

PAX A sprinted across fairway while PAX B held 1st part of Merkle (Ranger Merkin) halfway down.  PAX B then held all the way down on PAX A’s return sprint and pushed up when PAX A completed sprint.  PAX A and B swapped.

This was repeated for each of the 3 remaining Merkle exercises (Merkin, Werkin, CDD) with no break.

Slow Mosey around NBGCC main parking lot to the raised flower box by 18 green for a Wave of Derkins x3.

Walk to gather parking lot for Mary.



LBC’s IC x20

Freddie Mercury’s IC x20



*The Point moved to NBGCC due to MS Ride* – Lil Wayne on Q

The Bear – Roboto on Q

Closed in Prayer

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