The Pyramid of Friendship

The Pyramid of Friendship started on a beautiful morning in the New Bern High School parking lot as 11 guys gathered to celebrate Cutty’s big 50th BIRTHDAY.   As the workout continued, hundreds of local high school students came to cheer on the men of F-3 and celebrate Cutty’s big day.  You could see it in their eyes that they knew they couldn’t hang with this group of guys – or maybe the look was that none of them wanted to being doing what they were doing (taking the SAT).

Warm Up:

  1. Side Saddle Hops (25)
  2. Cotton Picker
  3. Michael Phelps
  4. Calf Stretch

Mosey to the Parking Lot

2 Trips Around the Parking Lot

Everyone got a partner.

Pyramid of Friendship:

Partner pushups – (feet up on partner’s back and both do pushups at same time) – 20 Pushups
Partner Situps – Locked Arms, Sitting Side-by-Side – 20 Situps

4 Person Teams
Pushups (15 Pushups)
Situps (15 – Arms Locked)

All 11 Together
Team Pushups – 10 Pushups
Team Situps – 10 Situps

Leg Rotation:

20 Lunges (10 each leg)
25 Box Jumps
30 Air Squats
50 Calf Raises

Rinse and Repeat Leg Rotation


Same Partners Again.  As a team…

One partner runs while other partner does exercise. When they return from run, switch doing exercise and running:

50 Burpees (Combined with partner)
100 Merkins (Combined with partner)
100 Side Saddle Hops (Combined with partner)
150 LBC’s (Combined with partner)
150 Squat Shoulder Press – Raise the Roof (Combined with partner)

Wall Squats Against the School Wall (10 Count Down the Line)
Balls to the Wall (10 Count Down the Line)


American Hammer (25)
Toe Touches (25)
James Bond


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