12 of the Pax showed for mild humid conditions at the Point. Since the day was the 11th that was the number theme today. As Trent says in the Las Vegas scene of the movie Swingers, “Always double down on 11”. No FNG’s so we went right into…
SSH x 22, Sun Gods x 11 ( forward and reverse) Wind Mills x 11; Winthorpe Achilles stretch OYO. American Hammers X 11 (4 count)
The Thang part 1:
4 Corners: The Pax started at the corner by the flag pole and did lunges toward the next corner by the boat ramp for 11 merkins. Next bear crawl halfway then mosey to next corner by front street for 11 mrekins and 11 jump squats. Then Duck walk to the corner by main entrance for 11 merkins, 11 jump squats, and 11 Scorpion Dry Docks. Finally run backwards to corner by flag pole for 11 merkins, 11 jump squats, 11 SDDs, and 11 toddler squats with a partner. This really tested the bounds of the 2nd F of F3. Next was rinse and repeat the above but by doubling down on 11 to 22. Tclaps to the pax for those who did each rep bc I had to modify.
Part 2: we moseyed to Convention center overflow parking lot for Leap frog burpees. Partner up. Going the length of the parking each partner would do one leap frog jump over said partner the each does 1 burpee; then each man would cycle up by 2 and do 3 leap frog jumps over said partner then 3 burpees. The goal was eventually to go up to 5, 7, 9 then finally 11 reps but this was way too aggressive YHC so I cut it short with most in the Pax making it to 5-7 reps. We then moseyed back to grass field by flag pole for …..
Mary, box cutters x 11; Low slow flutters x11( both ways); heel touches x 11; starmans x 22 with 22 sec hold at the end;
No new announcements. Cuddy is Q for Fartlek, Faulkner is Q for Bushwood. We need Q’s for the Point and the next Bear. Time for folks to sign up and Q, if it is your 1st time ask someone to Co-Q with you.
YHC took us out in prayer.
Always a pleasure!