After McRib’s leg beat down at the Point some track work (without squats) seemed like a good idea. Plus YHC figured we could provide some Sasquatch training for Mr. Roboto. So, arriving a few minutes early I drove around to the track to deliver some water and set up cones. I noticed that the track appeared to be locked. Sure enough all gates were locked up tight. Since my workout was track dependent a quick panic ensued before I quickly determined the PAX would have to scale the fence. So, I threw the Yeti over the fence, scaled it, set up cones, searched for an alternate entrance/exit and finding none scaled fence again, jumped in the car and wheeled in the parking lot at NBHS at 06:59. I gave the one minute warning, saw no FNGs and at 07:00 the PAX of 11 moseyed over to the track. Some general grumbling ensured about scaling the fence but all PAX quickly scaled the fence and we were in. We continued with a lap around the track and met up in the field in the middle for
- SSH IC X 25
- Imperial Walker IC X 20
- High Knees IC X 20
- Merkins 4count IC X 10
- Elbow Plank Jacks IC X 20
- 5 Burpees OYO
- Downward Dog Stretches
On to track for
The Thang
- Run quarter mile lap, stopping on each corner to do 10 Merkins. 1st lap – wide merkins; 2nd lap – diamond merkins ; 3rd lap – merkins (regular); 4th lap – staggered merkins. For a total of 1 mile and 160 merkins.
- We then moved to the field in the middle of the track for where 3 cones were set up about 25 yards apart. We ran to cone I middle stopping for 20 LBCs, next cone for 20 WWIs, same thing coming back. Next round was 5 Burpees at midpoint, 10 at the other side with the same thing coming back.
- We were all pretty gassed at this point so we took a quick water break and then moved back to the track where we partnered up and attempted the following- Partner 1 bear crawls the front straight, lunge walks the short end of the track, burpee broad jumps the back straight, and wheelbarrow the last short end. Meanwhile, Partner 2 runs a lap. Once Partner 2 catches Partner 1, they flapjack. As noted we were all gassed so YHC called a few audibles. We cut the lap short so that the running partner ran about half a lap and then cut back across the field to catch partner and flap jack. At about 0755 the PAX was headed up second straightaway with burpee broad jumps when YHC called second audible and we headed to a shady spot on the track for
- LSF X10 up and down
- LSF x10 side to side, aka Dolly
- Stars and Balls X10 led by Ingrown
Maybe due to the fact that we were locked in the track and gassed but YHC completely forgot Namarama and COT. My apologies! Somehow Roll Tide snuck out the side of the track and met us at the gate. The rest of the PAX scaled the fence and walked back to the shovel flag. As always the PAX pushed hard and crushed it. An honor to lead!
Lil Wayne on the Fartlek Monday and YHC on Bushwood Wednesday. Need Q for 7/28 Point and 7/29 Bear. Sign up!