New Bern is a town deep in history and tradition. We all know it was the first state capital, and the second oldest city in NC. It was referred to as, “the Athens of the south” due to its colonial wealth and rich cultural history. Its the birthplace of Pepsi, and Elvis performed there in the early 1950s. Its greatest talking point is that it is only 35 miles from the Carterican paradise. New Bern boys work hard to have their summer homes in Carterico and I can understand why. The Pax of 24 converged on the grounds of New Bern High School for the launch of F3 New Bern. 9 FNGs showed up and seemed pumped and primed for a beatdown. Most guys were friends of a Carterican brother so there were no immediate awkward moments nor introductions. Normally, we all come barking tires in at 0655, but the Morehead crowd was excited and ready for the event. Some like YHC got there before six, most by 6:25. We had so much time on our hands that Nipple Shot gave us a 20, 16, 13, 9, 7, 4, and 2 minute warning. Thanks bro! At the turn of 0700 MyT Sharp, Carterico’s most cunning linguist and a warrior of the thesaurus, gave a brief but poignant intro into F3 and what has meant to him and us as a Pax. After his oratory, YHC gave the usual welcome and disclaimer. There were enough attorneys present that I felt that my 6 was covered. It was time to mosey so we ran a long lap around the schools front parking lots and gathered on the fresh cut front lawn for:
A brief but necessary talk and demonstration on cadence was given. YHC gave the cadence and Gilligan my coQ demonstrated the merkin IC x 5. I thought it went smoothly until such previously stated orator claimed that, ” this demo has more false starts then my high school girlfriend.’ It’s a rough crowd but YHC has learned that a verbal machete will be thrown at anytime. The exercises went as such:
SSH IC x 25
Imperial Walkers IC x 25
Sun Gods IC x 20, reverse x 20
High Knees IC x 20
Squat IC x15
Merkins IC x10
Flutter Kicks IC x 25
Mountain Climbers IC x 20
LBC IC x 20
Merkins IC x 10
Freddie Mercury IC x 20
Let it be known that the My T, Jang A Lang, Duck Butter wall of mumble chatter and sound was louder than Blue Cross strangling the stank monkey during most ab exercises on most given non Sundays. With the longest warm up in history in our past we mosey’d to the field for:
The Pax got into two lines on the sidelines and the following was performed:
Bear Crawl to midfield, sprint to other side, plank for the 6. Bear crawl to midfield, sprint to the near side and plank for the 6.
Crab Walk to midfield, sprint to the other side, plank for the 6. Crab walk to midfield, sprint to the near side and plank for the 6.
Gilligan led a Plank A Rama and YHC instucted the Pax to count off in to 1s and 2s. 1s came with YHC, 2s stayed with Gilligan on the field.
1s mosey’d to the far end of the school for Benchwork:
The following was performed:
Step ups IC x 10
Irkins IC x 10
Dips IC x 10
Step ups IC x 10
Derkins IC x 10
Dips IC x 10
Then a short mosey to the parking lot for:
Ski Hops x 30 seconds
LBC IC x 20
Ski Hops x 30 seconds
LBC IC x 20
1s then mosey’d back to field. YHC tried to be aware of over pacing the Pax and leaving a man behind. Second Mile broke off and went back for the 6 only to be waved off?!?! Story later.
1s and 2s went passing by one another and it quickly became apparent that YHC had the quiet group and Gilligan had the wall of mumble chatter. Lucky Gilligan.
Field Work:
4 cones were placed 10 yards apart going down field. 5 minute AMRAP was performed in 2 circuits.
5 minute AMRAP legs:
Cone 1: Lunges each leg x 10
Cone 2: Burpees OYO x 5
Cone 3: Squats x 10
Cone 4: Burpees OYO x 5
5 minute AMRAP abs:
Cone 1: WW1s SC x 10
Cone 2: Russian Twist IC x 10
Cone 3: Homer to Marge SC x 10
Cone 4: LBC SC x 30
With time leaving us YHC took the crew back to shovel flag area for Mary. Let it be known that Gilligan stated that his experience with the bench work was very different than mine. He said it was nothing short of senseless, random, yelling and screaming..SMH.
Dealer’s Choice
Gertrude broke rank and called his own exercise and ran with it. LSF IC x 20
Hillary Dry Docks IC x 20
My T Doublewides IC x 10
Duck Butter Pickle pushers IC x 15
Nipple Shot Hip thrusters IC x 20….SMH
Gilligan American hammer IC x 20
In all seriousness, one thing that stood out the most was the level of encouragement the vets were giving to the FNGs. Just a few words of encouragement kept a lot of the guys going and made a huge difference. It seems like yesterday remembering how hard it was on the first workout. YHC got a mild case of rhabdomylosis. Madoff got through warm a rama then just laid still for 38 more minutes on the asphalt. My T slept until the next day once he got home. It feels like yesterday. We did meet back up with Tim Garrett who waved us off when we went back to get him during the workout. He was feeling much better after chilling in the parking lot and came to coffeeteria. He stated that he needed to vomit and felt best to do this alone. Gilligan informed him about the pride and glory of the Splash Merlot and he should feel no shame. He wasn’t in Name A Rama so henceforth he is named Omaha. After the Cartericans did our normal name a rama we asked the FNGs to tell us a little about themselves. We had a judge, several financial advisors, lawyers insurance folks, a pediatrist, a guy with dipstick’s life, a guy in a superman shirt that claimed that he got through undergrad going out and picking up the ugly girls early, mistake, mistake, mistake….and someone had a wife that’s a butcher, this was an easy, fun game…
Prayer concerns were for MyT’s mother in law that experienced a heart attack but is stable. Coffeeteria at Carolina Bagel. Jang has the Tablesetter 0530 on Monday. Mr Belding from F3 ENC will have the Q at the same time and place next week. Jang took us at with a wonderful prayer about sharing with New Bern boys the fulfillment and mindset of becoming a better person in all aspects of life due to F3.
It was a huge honor and privilege to lead the launch for F3 New Bern. Thanks to Gilligan for helping lead the pax. I have no doubt that this group will plant, grow, and serve in many ways. Have a wonderful weekend with your families and until next time…SYITG!
Steamer out